Authentic Happiness
Meditations in applied intelligence | ai
by Perry C. Douglas | ai
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence,” said Aristotle; and “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things,” said Einstein.
“Love the Life you Live. Live the Life You Love,” Bob Marley.
If you seek to find happiness in life, then find a purpose for your life. Don’t live an outer existence — for conformity sake. Living for others and not yourself leads to internal suffering. Individualism is the only real path to happiness. An outer existence will fail you, friends will fail you, society will fail you, and material things are fleeting. Purpose triggers passion, determination and resilience, a zest for living which drives your authentic happiness.
But none of that can ever happen without first taking personal responsibility for your own life!
Design your happiness through your individuality, by defining your purpose and values — seek to become who YOU want to be! Don’t wait for life to happen to you, you have to make life happen for you.
Setting priorities and doing the necessary activities in pursuit of authentic happiness is essential. No one is entitled to happiness and no one is bringing happiness to you. Authentic happiness must be cultivated by you.
In the end, it’s always up to you because your authentic happiness is within you.
Meditations in applied intelligence | ai