Beyond Consulting
6ai Technologies — Technology for Human Progress
Recently, we’ve seen many big consulting firms laying off consultants. It’s just not the usual suspects like McKinsey and PWCs, but also the highly specialized consultants, i.e., IBM. Is also reducing its tech consultant head count. At the same time, IBM is testing its generative AI services platforms to take over certain consulting tasks directly with its clients.
Generative AI is rapidly becoming an accessible space, so regardless of an individual’s professional or technical background, GenAI can now effectively do or facilitate those tasks, long believed only an ‘expert’ consultant could do. We’ve crossed the Rubicon and the traditional strategy-consulting business will never be the same. It’s a matter of how new technology-driven strategy consulting models will pan out, and which new upstarts can be responsive to the new economy environment and technology tools.
For too long traditional strategy consultants have been disingenuously convincing clients that only they had specialized knowledge — strategy gurus. And that clients lacked the expertise and capacity to add value and performance to their organizations. Having clients pay ridiculous prices for fancy PowerPoint presentations.
Now, with AI and big data combined with advanced analytics and technology systems, and software to retrieve and quantify information. These technologies are creating tremendous value for organizations and individuals. Organizations can retrieve data and build strategy intelligently, themselves! GenAI is enabling the democratization of data, empowering people. Management teams can now develop strategy internally, without costly and time-wasting consultants.
Nevertheless, intelligent technologies can take humanity even further, way beyond the traditional boundaries of strategy development. 6ai Technologies, therefore, is on a mission to rapidly democratize access to technical capabilities by utilizing GenAI purposefully and responsibly. Now professionals, individuals, and students can utilize the awesome power of intelligent technologies to improve their organizations or their lives.
6ai is Technology for Human Progress.
Automation technology has always been fundamentally used to create efficiencies, which saves time and money. Therefore, it makes no business sense for stakeholders to pay management inside the organization, hundreds and millions of dollars in annual compensation. Only to have them turn around and pay consultants similarly.
With intelligent technologies and a little effort, they can easily do it themselves. At dramatically less cost, and time spent listening to consultants telling them what they already know, or should know.
Ashwin Srinivasan, an expert on procurement practices with CEB, comments that C-suite executives are the “worst offenders of procurement best practices, but when spend is aggregated and they see the full impact of their individual decisions on the expense line, it wakes them up.” In other words, when they compare outputs between the machine versus consultants and also compare the costs, time-efficiency, and value for money. No intelligent or responsible executive could still argue for consultants, at least those who want to keep their jobs.
The 6ai process, therefore, is a six-step process that guides users through a step-by-step scientific strategy development process, retrieving highly relevant information from verified and reputable sources, that can be taken as empirically warrantable.
6ai Technologies helps organizations harness data to develop transformative strategies to thrive in the digital age and remain relevant.
Unlike many of the offerings out there, 6ai does not seek to replace or devalue humans in the workplace, instead, it serves as a tool to build human capacity and capabilities that enhance human value.
The 6ai SaaS-driven software turns information into insight and insight into strategy. The Focused or small Language Models (FLM) utilized… purposeful retrieval and augmented generation methods to give our FLMs access to highly relevant knowledge bases. Further, FLMs are more practical, efficient, and considerably less expensive than training LLMs from scratch, and much easier to manage.
However, 6ai goes beyond data, to our proprietary strategy canvas that allows anyone, to produce anywhere from high-level multi-billion-dollar corporate strategy design, to individuals developing strategies that serve their growth objectives.
The 6ai product is straightforward.
- Recipe — Easy customer experience with a reliable step-by-step process to master internalized strategy development.
- Data — Access to data, both internal and external in producing robust fact-based strategies.
- Scalability — SaaS solution, no need for any special training or complex technical tools.
- Data Sovereignty — Opening up your data to consultants or outsiders increases the risk of competitors getting hold of your most valuable competitive information and strategies.
- Complexity — To solve problems we must first decompose and contextualize them, to find those useful insights that can be turned into strategy.
6ai is concerned with identifying whitespaces of market opportunity for users — democratization and accessibility!
6ai is an intuitive facilitator, concerned with the optimization of complex processes and systems, that organizations and individuals can find useful. Helping sort out complexity for strategy by implementing processes for integrating systems of people, money, knowledge, and information, creating meaningful enterprise value.
As consumers become more educated and savvy about technology and strategy development. They will realize that they are paying way too much for very little value, in comparison to what automated intelligent technologies can provide. So 6ai is positioning itself for that shift, with an easy-to-use consumer experience-focused and highly functional product solution.
Technology innovation always presents opportunities if you are paying attention. The strategy consulting industry is ever quickly becoming obsolete in the digital age, nevertheless, incumbents will resist change as expected. But it will be difficult for them to fight off or respond to disruption because of their deeply embedded legacy systems — 100 years old.
It will be hard to turn a Titanic without hitting an iceberg. So they look stuck and what will they do with all those high-earning partners? Best bet, they hang on for as long as they can and earn as much as they can before they take the punch bowl away.
“U.S. Steel posted record profit margins in the years prior to its unseating by the minimills; in many ways, it was blind to its disruption. As we and others have observed, there may be nothing as vulnerable as entrenched success.”
— Harvard Professor, Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business School in an article titled, Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption.