A Renaissance in Black Thinking…

Perry C. Douglas
11 min readMay 14, 2022

“God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty”

Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Nature is truth, religion is storytelling, and as Mohandas Gandhi once told the world, nothing is or exists in reality except Truth; and, to find the truth you must first seek knowledge. Science and math are the languages of nature, it explains nature — the metaphysical world, it provides us with the truth about the universe. So, only through the science of nature can we get the truth about the universe. Therefore, devotion to truth and not religion must be our primary purpose in life, and all of our activities should be centred around seeking the knowledge to know the Truth. Because without truth, it is impossible to observe any principles or rules in life, said Mohandas Gandhi.

The truth is the only true thing.

In the period of the European Enlightenment — its Renaissance era, French philosopher René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637) said, I think: therefore, I am as a first step in demonstrating the attainability of certain knowledge. Therefore, our existence in the universe is confirmed because we can think for ourselves in nature; confirming the reality, through knowledge of our existence in the universe. There can be no doubt about that!

We are not the creation of fantasy bible stories made by man and not by nature, only nature is pure, man is corrupt, and fantasy is the antithesis of reality, counterintuitive and counterproductive to our real-world existence. So, if you rely on emotionally-led fantastical belief systems — religious doctrines, then you can’t function well in the reality. Therefore, for the Black populations of the Caribbean, there can be no doubt about your existence in reality. So, how we think determines how we act, and our behavioural habits, and if we continue to think and act with emotional habits, we’ll always be suckers to good stories instead of adherence to science and facts. We’ll remain at the bottom rungs of the universe, never catching up, always behind the prosperity curve, turning the wealth gap into a chasm.

Our mindset must be about understanding the universe; distinguishing what’s real and what’s not real, and knowing the difference between cause and correlation. According to the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. So, decisions are the most important things that shape the experiences of our lives.

Over time, knowledge-seeking and entrepreneurship have enabled many enterprising individuals to engage in quantitative thinking, enabling them to identify and interpret the physical environment, and innovate and gain from it. Innovation enhances the efficiency and dynamic characteristics of production outputs, leading to profits and higher living standards for a given society. Nature is math, and the ones who exercise mathematical thinking will thrive over those who engage in emotional thinking. The intellectualization of the mind, thinking quantitatively, always doing the math, and adhering to the laws of nature, are how successful civilizations have been able to thrive in the real world.

Therefore, adherence to reality is a fundamental imperative to human existence, to prosperity and happiness. Knowledge then is central to empowering people in attaining their place in the universe. Only through the intellectual process can we compete and win in the universe, so winning requires keeping it real, always! For Caribbean people of African descent, we must always adhere to reality, and not continue to get massively side-tracked by religious narratives that do not exist in reality.

Aristotle once said that it’s always up to you. And Bob Marley said Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds. Although it’s been over 2000-years between the two, their insights are timeless. And it confirms that nature never can change, it can’t ever be anything other than what it is. So, the objective truth is also timeless, it’s only the relative technology that becomes contemporary to our time and place in the universe.

Adherence to ideological belief systems not based on facts, on reality, is simply a controlled state of hallucination, just creating more problems and unnecessary stresses and anxiety in our lives. And blind adherence to Christianity continues to be among the most significant factors holding back Black societies of the Caribbean — self-suppression through attachment to bible stories. Which also continues to deny us of our true potential to create a great civilization. We continue to live lives architect by corrupt men through the doctrines of Christianity, which in modern times we choose to follow. It’s time to write our own story! The legacy of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the plantation system, colonialism, and neocolonialism — all have been supported by White Supremacy Christianity (WSC) throughout the many centuries. The Black psyche, our very domain, has been dominated by WSC; this has become our identity, our accepted suffering culture. Which we ourselves romanticize through our emotional wokeness approach to our existence in the universe.

WSC is deeply embedded in the Black subconscious mind and continues to make Black folk behave counterproductive to their self-preservation. Worshipping religious dogma which drives the suppression of their socioeconomic aspirations. WSC has brilliantly managed to maintain the lion’s share of the wealth curve in the universe by intellectually and economically understanding that when you control minds, you don’t need chains.

WSC has convinced Black populations that suffering is a virtue — that the sufferer, the victim, has the preference to go to heaven. This is pure fantastical nonsense; existence in fear and darkness. There can be no virtue in suffering ideology. Not thriving for personal gain, for wealth, is non-nonsensical because the very pursuit of gain is the genesis of socioeconomic security, which the human condition requires. And the reality is that everything in the metaphysical universe flows from economics. Furthermore, without productivity and wealth creation you can have no political power, no privilege. The universe can’t ever be anything other than what it is. If you believe that hope and prayer can get you security then you’re not living in reality, you’re living in delusion, controlled hallucination. WSC is about the purposeful support of controlling the factors of production and profit, for the primary purpose of long-term wealth creation and security for the ones who control it. For the intergenerational wealth outcomes and opportunities for their descendants. Wealth, power, privilege; that’s what’s up!

While the modern Black continues to be mesmerized by religion and emotion, embracing all of its romanticized falseness of suffering. Whites continue to move within reality; intellectually exercising quantitative and mathematical thinking. They have worked brilliantly to maintain the economic status quo over the centuries and continue to do so.

And so, for example, and from a historical colonial perspective, the British aristocracy’s defining feature was not of any noble virtuous aspirations to serve the common good, but instead, it was a desperate singular desire for self-advancement through stolen riches. They stole land under the pretence of religious reverence. They seized it by conquest, they expropriated and enclosed everything for their private use under the guise of efficiency and society. Then corruptly carved out industries, commerce, and trade on a global basis for further self-enrichment and the linear passing down of privilege to be levered by future generations. All of which has been firmly supported by the institution of The Church.

“So, behind the beauty of the British aristocracy’s stately homes and the sometimes romantic and eventful lives they led, lies a darker story: a legacy of theft, violence, and unrepentant greed.”

Chris Bryant, The Guardian

We are no longer being suppressed by force. We’re now in the 21st-century, in the digital transformation era, and one of the great opportunities to write our own story. Seeking the objective truth is a choice, and choices matter. For Black people in the 21st-century the choice is straightforward; whether to knowingly adhere to WSC or not! If you will, somewhat of a Shakespearean choice:

…to be or not to be, that is the question? Do we continue believing in WSC, which translates to our subconscious acceptance of the big lie of White superiority and Black inferiority; or not?

Do we continue to bury our collective heads in the sand, choosing to be willfully ignorant about the reality of the universe? To settle for existence in the comfort of our self-delusion, or do we seek the objective truth? Whether to choose victimhood and suffering over intergenerational wealth and opportunity. To choose resilience and perseverance over fragility?

Still, the human condition does require emotional support, we are emotional beings after all. However, we are also intellectual beings, which allows us to manage our emotions. Our intellectual capacity must prevail and govern our emotional self, emotion becomes heavy, weighing us down in things that don’t exist in reality. Over-reliance on religion only exacerbates this delusional existence and conformity to WSC. The human condition requires many things — economic security and survival being at the very top, and achieving that requires intellect more than emotion. It is your intellect that is responsible for your survival and your success, and it’s also your emotion more times than not that’s responsible for your failures.

So, while modern Blacks stick with the emotion-driven ideology, Whites utilize their intellectual capacity towards the sophistication of self-preservation — entrepreneurship — controlling the factors of production, profit, wealth, and political power. WSC has stealthily weaponized religion as a tool for securing and maintaining their intergenerational wealth and power status quo. And Blacks have fallen for the classic do as I say not as I do! Therefore, intellectualism, and quantitative thinking, not emotion and religion are where wealth and power flow from—the mind. Use your head not your heart.

Therefore, to address the emotional side of our human condition, we must turn to spirituality, not religion. Spirituality is internal, it has real energy frequencies! Spirituality is scientific — about biology and neuroscience. The human body has the energy for willpower which we harness each day towards our tasks and ambitions. Our internal energy forces can also be harnessed for our spiritual and mental well being. Religion on the other hand is heavy, always weighing us down. Religion doesn’t help the human spirit, it burdens it with conformity and religious dogma. Spirituality is embedded in the nature of our humanity, and when we learn to harness and master our reality we become highly productive and effective. Spirituality flourishes our individualism, religion stifles it.

Our self-worth and self-esteem, courage and resilience; passion, creativity, empathy, and purpose all come from our minds and are driven by our human spirit’s real energy forces. Happiness is having the intellectual capacity to make decisions as an individual, based on what is real. Not falling sucker for bible stories that suspends your intellect, that suppresses good judgment, and ambition for personal gain. Spirituality belongs only to you, and is deeply individual and personal, spirituality strengthens the soul. With WSC, you exist within the fragility of the herd because everything is made up, nothing is real, and energy and time are squandered here. Spirituality builds fact-based confidence, religion builds delusions of reality. Spirituality generates the energy to soar. Religion just grounds you in suffering!

So, what is the most critical decision we make in life? It is to understand one’s self, and the true nature of the universe, to find truth through spirituality, not religion. To find the natural way by which one can live the truth. Discerning your path in life is difficult, and unpredictable as life itself, however, the one true thing is truth? That path can be relied upon.

Kierkegaard and Seneca point out that we must be discerning when choosing our path in life, and stay away from the influence of the crowd (or the majority).

Kierkegaard describes it like this,

Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion — and who, therefore, in the next instant (when it is evident that the minority is the stronger) assume its opinion… while truth again reverts to a new minority.

Therefore, attaching oneself to the herd of WSC and detaching from the individualism and free will of your spirituality has been a very costly mistake for Black populations of the Caribbean. Seneca stressed that it is dangerous to attach oneself to the crowd and that we are often more willing to trust another than to judge for ourselves.

And as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.

Black folks must wake up and escape WSC and move towards science and truth-seeking — knowledge acquisition to understand how to win in the universe. Spirituality helps you, it makes you robust and anti-fragile, a free mind frees the spirit, liberates the soul, and dismantles the barriers of restrictive thinking. A renaissance in Black thinking must occur now! A new, free, and truth-seeking Black mind, driven by the enlightenment of science and technology towards an intellectual existence.

Through the clever utilization of WSC, white supremacy has engineered itself to the top of the universe, and Black people, with over-reliance on emotion and religious storytelling have not been able to engineer themselves out from the bottom-rungs of the universe. Therefore, remaining willfully ignorant of the reality of the universe makes you complicit in your own demise. For Black people to find wealth, power, and privilege, a 21st-century renaissance in thinking must be at the top of the agenda. Immediately moving away from religious ideology, and fantasy, focusing on the laws of nature instead. Replace religion with realness, underpinning it with spiritual intellect, otherwise, in the darkness, you shall stay. And for those who choose not to step into the light, ignorance and suffering will remain the identity of those who choose not to embrace knowledge.

“When you give up all the fictional stories, only then can you observe reality about yourself and about the world.”

— Yuval Noah Harari, the author of 21 Lessons for the 21st-century & Sapiens

Therefore, the most important thing for Black populations of the Caribbean to do in the 21st-century is to enter into the 21st-century — fully! This begins by moving away from WSC and the suffering/victim and woke culture, underwritten by religious dogma — and moving toward the bright light of intellect and logic.

A renaissance in Black thinking is required because suffering is not the natural state of any human or race of people. Nothing is ever predetermined. Seeking personal gain is essential to life, security, and happiness! We must understand the laws of nature which are necessary to first survive before we can thrive in the universe. So, the mastering of self-preservation is awesomely critical to our existence, and our very survival as a species.

Think mathematically, the immense forces of the human spirit coupled with the awe-inspiring power of the mind, is the only superpower you have. Let reality be your common denominator in life, the most powerful guiding equation, as your utility. Nature is math, the truth, so to find wealth and prosperity you must always be doing the math! Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, so said Aristotle, and freeing the Black mind from mental slavery is the way forward, so said, Marley. Then the whole aim and end of human existence can only be to seek the truth about finding happiness — by always keeping it real!



Perry C. Douglas
Perry C. Douglas

Written by Perry C. Douglas

Perry is an entrepreneur & author, founder & CEO of Douglas Blackwell Inc., and 6ai Technologies Inc., focused on redefining strategy in the age of AI.

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