The Physics of Thinking
Building Your Strategic High-Performance Capacity
Most of what comes out of people’s heads today, in this ever-hyped-induced social media era, are views based on faulty foundations of thinking and understanding— nothingness. Built of ignorance with feelings that social media gives one the god-given right to say whatever they like without even a semblance of supportive evidence or basic logic. Where people become ‘experts’ overnight without proof or subject matter experience. This is the dumping down of society.
You now even have people citing I saw it on social media as a credible source. And now with ChatGPT…just making stuff up, people are hanging onto its infinite loop of hallucinations, foolishly thinking that ChatGPT makes them smarter. Too lazy to check up on sources or fact-check.
However, I’ll give them a sight break because what’s the purpose of ChatGPT if you have the fact check it all the time? We are in a place now of spewed noise and nonsense, polluting and degrading our humanity.
Ideas are built on nice theories and feelings fuelled by intellectual laziness and willful ignorance, wasting a lot of time and furthering ignorance. Instead, society would be better served and one would have much better performance in their lives if they sought out the objective truth. As a first principle of knowledge acquisition. Therefore, a general understanding of the laws of physics and applying them to our thinking process could be very helpful to one’s overall performance.
Physics is about finding out what is objectively true, or not true, and the use of mathematics in physics acts as the fact-checker of theories or ideas through the use of mathematical proofs. It is simply more efficient if you can test the feasibility of an idea before a lot of time and possibly other people’s money is wasted. Having a defined scientific framework for thinking builds one’s strategic thinking capacity and capabilities. A disciplined methodology can only bolster critical thinking while in search of the objective truth.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said: “Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance, it shines clear."
From Newton’s laws of motion (persistence, resistance, and action) to the principles of thermodynamics (order and disorder), are the truths in physics that help us navigate the universe efficiently and effectively. Adopting a physics-based mindset builds intellectual capacity, which is inherently underpinned by skepticism.
This process takes one to a higher dimensional level of thought, forcing us to find good explanations before we construct our rationality and arguments. It ensures that we are honest and responsible with what we say and do.
Avoiding spontaneous outbursts on topics where we may be little informed, but think we know nevertheless, are often driven by emotionally-based thinking. Which ultimately drives us only to reveal our ignorance. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
Science and a physics mindset can protect you from ignorance because the scientific way requires you to first seek out the objective truth, through a well defined steps to find the proof. Like your very own due diligence process…doing the math.
The laws of the natural and metaphysical world don’t restrict one’s imagination, it enhances and strengthens it, objectively. It avoids one’s thinking process falling victim to the abyss of pursuing non-scientific discovery, to satisfy the emotional state of existence. This leads to the discovery of nothingness, wasting brain cells, fooling oneself and effectively engaging in fiction.
Physics-based thinking on the other hand is adherence to reality, which quickens and bolsters the innovative and creative process.
There is always an interplay between certainty and uncertainty, the interconnections, relativity and energy and intention. So ideas must be tested and things must add up with good explanations before one can move forward with meaningful points of view.
Let first principles guide you. Take no one’s word for it. Evidence is your best friend in making strategic judgments, so applied intelligence (ai), a science-based process offers a defined framework to incorporate critical thinking processes to bring clarity for one to take decisive actions — ai, therefore, serves consistent outperformance.
applied intelligence is a scientific methodology that guides users through a proprietary six-step (6ai) process, retrieving relevant factual information from reputable and reliable sources, and turning it into useful insight.
The overriding aim, therefore, is to gather and develop insights that can be taken as reliable, and empirically warrantable, to effectively develop fit-for-purpose strategies for winning!
We exist in the world with disorder and randomness so it’s only when we decide to see the world through a more mathematical lens do we achieve objective clarity. Quantitative thinking leads to logical and less emotional thinking, fostering better decisioning functionality.
Staying within reality also allows us to utilize technology more effectively because we see technology for what it is, a tool, to serve humanity best. Therefore, the effective utilization of data ecosystems and artificial intelligence, harnessed and utilized properly is a powerful augmenting tool for strategic outperformance. But if you get too caught up in the hype and untruths about AI, you’ll just end up wasting a whole lot of valuable time. Don’t waste your life being fascinated and controlled by a machine.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction according to Newton’s third law. So be mindful of how your actions may reverberate throughout an interconnected world. Frequencies connect with other like frequencies — like-minded people. So decisions matter, regardless of how insignificant you may feel you may be. Small decisions add up and continually contribute to shaping your life. Therefore, to get the most out of life when you have a defined system to help you make well-thought-out decisions.
Your energy can be called upon to fuel your performance in life. So be mindful of how you use it. Positive and negatively charged frequencies will extend throughout the universe, and like particles, reactions will occur. They can often combine and create forces in nature. Human connectivity and forces are similarly formed. In the end, choices make our world, so it’s good to choose wisely.
Keep an open mind about the universe and focus on finding out what you don’t know. Knowledge like energy can be stored so manage it well and be selective on when and for what purpose you choose to extract it. Don’t depend on your belief system. Challenge yourself instead about your thinking methodology. Because what you know, or what you think you may know, in the end, is of little consequence, the only thing of consequence is what is objectively true.
Be aware of the power of negative imagination, as Seneca put it, “We suffer more in imagination than in reality,” and we spend too much time worried about how bad things are going to be. We torture ourselves more than the thing we’re worried about, that is, if it happens at all. Therefore, the applied intelligence (ai) thinking system serves our mathematical and quantitative minds. Helping to dampen the effects of emotions and anxiety, which is the main tension — fear — that we must overcome.
Adherence to what is real can help block out negative emotions. Directing your energy flows to more productive thinking instead. The generation of anxiety is self-manifested, so use your quantitative intellect to overcome it. Anxiety never helps because the universe doesn’t even know who you are, nor does it care about you. So worrying beyond what you can control only serves to generate negative imagination, not helpful to a purposeful and high-performing life.
The present hyped-state around generative AI particularly also serves to sidestep reality because if those claims about what GenAI are not true then one is just detaching themselves from reality.
Hype and fascination can’t ever be a viable mechanism for sustainable growth and achievement. There must be something real behind ideas for them to potentially deliver value. It’s said that Einstein and Oppenheimer had disdain for mathematics, but sought out the best pure mathematicians to quantify and verify their theories.
Be authentic, and practice the applied intelligence method of decisioning because an object in motion stays in motion and one at rest stays at rest. As obvious as that may seem, it’s a basic fundamental truth that is foundational in both the physical and metaphysical world.
Believing in nice stories and being selective with your evidence is not scientific, it’s subjective and emotional and detracts from reality. Highly effective people do not shy away from the objective truth, they seek it out. Because the faster you objectively understand the landscape the better off you’ll be to build successful fact-based strategies for winning. The best performers dare to be courageous in seeking what is objectively before they pursue their goals.
Be aware of those bad thinking habits that draw you into the emotional state of thinking less, more shallow in scope, and always accepting of nice stories instead of doing the math.
Those seeking to create more wealth for themselves need those useful suckers who put emotion before objective analysis, those who easily buy the farm. Like religion, narratives serve as a control mechanism, if you control the mind the body will follow.
For that reason, stories are highly useful to Big Tech and its billionaires — getting you to believe in them directs you to buy more stuff. You end up stopping thinking for yourself and serving as a useful sucker to grow the wealth of others rather than your own.
Invest in the critical thinking dynamics that reflect your values, and align your technology choices with what serves your interests best, not those of Big Tech billionaires. Technology is a great augmenter but everyone has access to the same technology, so it’s how you use it that counts.
Embrace uncertainty and volatility because that’s when truths are revealed. Things are always overdone to the extremes and when everyone is running for the exits, when there is blood in the streets, it will pay to be a mathematical quantitative decision-maker. Logic will come to the forefront and emotion is suppressed. Clarity in the moment of crisis is a superpower — the pinnacle of your strategic decisioning capacity.
So apply your applied intelligence in ruthless and relentless form, and let the burden of ignorance be carried by others.
The Doppler effect tells us that our perspective and situations can change based on our positioning, so be diligent and scientific when forming your stances. Establish a physics-based mindset and approach. Don’t jump the gun on any ideas or theories you encounter. Bring your skeptical veracity into play. Never waste precious time with noise and nonsense.
Having empathy too is critical because empathy opens up your mind to seeing things from the other person’s perspective, which helps you to examine viewpoints other than your own. Bringing your thinking to another dimensional level by being intellectual, allowing yourself to be convinced by the evidence and analysis.
According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, major events can alter and shape our perspectives and belief systems. Nevertheless, everything always comes back to reality — reality never changes regardless of what you choose to think or believe.
Be cautiously aware of the mass onslaught of polluting information that hits us each day, things that can influence our thinking, ai helps us filter out any garbage that might penetrate our minds, and ensure our outputs are well-founded in science.
Physics explains the universe and math provides the proofs! So becoming more mathematical is not a call to do math equations, far from it, being more mathematical is about quantitative thinking.
Accordingly, applied intelligence helps you develop a logical basis for thinking, a common denominator if you like, bolstering the scientific process, which can be further augmented through the proper and responsible utility of intelligent technologies. I.e., AI/data science. So ai is effectively a thinking framework to optimize decisioning, towards finding competitive advantages for purposeful and winning decisioning.