The Rise of the AI Oligarchs:
Finding the Courage to Resist Through applied intelligence
“The most dangerous things in the world are immense accumulations of human beings who are manipulated by only a few heads.” — Carl Jung
America today, for example, is no longer a democracy it’s an oligarchy, let’s face it: the ruling tech aristocracy-oligarchs are among the world’s wealthiest individuals, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman, etc., supported by a cast of loyal acolytes and VC courtiers like Marc Andreessen. Andreessen, for example, not too long ago, penned the infamous The Techno-Optimist Manifesto, a petulant diatribe by a tech Overlord written, it seems, in a hyper-ego state of mania.
Nevertheless, his Manifesto is what the new tech aristocracy oligarchs believe: how the world should be run; they’ll replace the sun at the centre of the universe. Galileo be damned! The Washington Post said, “Marc Andreessen’s new manifesto is a self-serving cry for help; rambling and at times incoherent, the document is likely to have the opposite effect of what the writer intended: It might well remind policymakers and regular citizens of the dangers of unbridled technology — and its unaccountable cheerleaders.”
So yes, the Tech-Bro Feudalism pursuit is a real thing! Seeking to maximize their wealth and power in the tech aristocracy network as a divine right to rule over others. Like in feudal times, Overlords crafted the narratives that best suited their wealth agenda, excluding the peasants or anyone outside the aristocracy from gaining opportunities and achieving wealth.
The sole objective of aristocracies is to be exclusionary, expand and not share power. The 21st century is no different; the new tech Overlords have the same agenda. Times change, but human nature stays the same. History is important to know because historical analysis and comparisons provide us with critical thinking insights about the prevailing realities of our existence.
So when Sam Altman of OpenAI goes on about how artificial intelligence could accelerate progress and transform the world, that we’re going to achieve AGI, this is camouflage language to distract from their core pursuit of attaining a Tech-Bro Feudalism world…in the next 5–10 years.
This group controls politics/government with money and influence. AI and social media platforms are based on cognitive algorithms for cursory misinformation to control your mind, whether you know it or not. Giving those characters above significant agency over you.
Billionaire oligarchs are making the most important decisions in our society today through nefarious means and methods to gain obscene levels of power and control. They manipulate the global economy, politics and culture, buying elections and now running governments, i.e., Elon Musk controlling Donald Trump.
Just like in centuries past, the few and extremely wealthy are controlling the many.
Fascination, adherence to hype and nice stories about AGI (artificial general intelligence) have many soaking up science fiction and kicking reality to the curb. People allow themselves to be stupefied, with the elites targeting the intellectually lazy and the wilfully ignorant in society. Those without the courage to think critically and for themselves, who choose not to exercise the human superpower of skepticism and are not willing to do their own research and acquire knowledge but leave it to others, will suffer!