Yes! Intelligence Rules the World
PHYSICS, Math & applied intelligence
Perry C Douglas
March 11, 2023; that morning was like Christmas for me! The proof copy of my new book: ai — applied intelligence — A Renaissance in New Thinking for Caribbean Prosperity in the 21st Century was about to arrive. I woke up and got some work done, went to the gym, came back… hol-ah-fresh (Caribbean slang for taking a shower,) and checked Amazon at 4:34 pm. Tracking said already “Out for Delivery,” so it was almost at my doorstep. Nevertheless, since I couldn’t sit there waiting in anticipation I began thinking about how important physics is in our lives but how it is so often misunderstood. The last time I took a physics class was in grade 11 at Westmount high school, Montreal, and I would never have passed the damn class if it were not for my boy Steven Edwards, aka, Junior. Thanks, Bro!
Nonetheless, my knowledge of physics and mathematics and science has been self-thought through lifelong learning. And one of my favourite and most down-to-earth books on physics is titled “Fear of A Black Universe” by Brown University Professor, Stephen Alexander. The title also plays on the reality, as stated by Alexander, a Black man, that “Black persons in scientific circles are often met with skepticism about their intellectual capabilities, their ability to ‘think like a physicist’.”
Prof. Alexander makes one of the most thought-provoking comments about physics in his book. Saying that “facts are statements about phenomena, but they don’t exist on their own; they are always conceptualized, which means that they are if only implicitly, constructed theoretically.” What does that mean and how can theoretical constructs in physics be utilized in applied intelligence, towards effective performance-based thinking?
If we step back for a moment the fundamental basis of applied intelligence is math, and math is the only thing that can explain nature. However, physics has not done itself any favours by making the subject somewhat unapproachable to the ordinary person. Seemingly being only for the classroom and the intellectual elites. Media often adds to that with characters like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, more seriously though, physics is intrinsically part of our existence. The word Theoretical in physics does confuse our cognitive rationality but rest assured Physics is indispensable to us, magnificently useful— it explains our metaphysical world.
The real strength of theoretical physics, however, is that it is not made up entirely of finding the ultimate truth, so the theoretical part is so critically important because it gets us to the objective truth. It helps us keep up with the evolving reality of the universe through the application of math, creating useful equations about our observations of physical phenomena. This is necessary if we want an existence in objective truth, and if we can reach that pinnacle atmosphere of adherence to objective truth the universe becomes crystal clear. We become spiritually free of imaginative, manifested anxieties and angst about religion, those disingenuous and corrupt cultural belief systems. Remember, those dogmas are not natural and have nothing to do with the nature of the universe. They are nothing more than man-made subjective constructs about morality, which is intellectually dishonest! So finding the objective truth domain brings you to a place of spiritual freedom and honesty — the most responsible and beautiful place in which to exist.
Nature is truth, and religion is storytelling — and as Mohandas Gandhi once expressed, nothing is or exists in reality but truth; and to find truth one must first seek knowledge. Science and math are the languages of nature, it confirms what is real or what is not accurate about the universe. So if we don’t understand the language of nature it will be awfully difficult to be intelligent — critical thinkers and succeed in the universe. Only through the science of nature can we get to the objective truth because without truth it is impossible to observe any principles or rules in life.
Only 0.35% of the Universe is observable; the rest is invisible to the naked eye. All modalities, in this case, Science and Religion use beliefs to interpret reality.
— Unknown
During the period of the European Enlightenment, for example, its
Renaissance-era. French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637) said “I think, therefore, I am” as a first step in demonstrating the attainability of certain knowledge. So our existence in the universe is confirmed because we can think for ourselves in nature. There can be no doubt about that! Confirming the reality of our existence through our quantitative observance of the world through knowledge.
Nature is ascertainable through mathematics, and those who exercise mathematical thinking will thrive over those who engage in emotional thinking. The intellectualization of the mind, thinking quantitatively, always doing the math intrinsically. Essential and naturally adhering to the laws of nature is how prosperity is created and sustained. Therefore, adherence to reality is a fundamental prerequisite for happiness, accordingly, only through the intellectual process can we compete and succeed in the universe.
So if the math can’t work or if things don’t add up we still get good answers about nature from the scientific process. So for us, regular folks, theoretical physics and all of those equations help us discover our expanding reality in an ever-expanding universe. We must always venture out of our comfort zones and keep on discovering new realities and take meaningful and worthwhile risks. Otherwise, what’s the point of life? How do we expect to succeed without adventurous journeys? The bigger risk is the risk of doing nothing — the peril of mediocrity.
Life requires enlightenment, insight and foresight which comes through a process of discovery. However, we humans are wired with linear minds which leaves us prone to fear-motivated reactions and risk aversion. So an intelligence-based framework for thinking is critical to the human condition. Scientifically finding and leveraging the reality of our existence is most important to our authentic happiness, it is where we can pursue the boldest of our imaginations.
Remember, it was only just centuries ago that we believed the sun circled the earth, that we were at the centre of the universe. And when Nicolaus Copernican said that the earth circled the sun and not the sun that circled the earth, his findings were all driven by math. So to determine what’s happening in nature don’t turn to religion turn to science and always be doing the math! And if you need emotional well-being as we all do, invest in your spirituality instead.
Newton’s equations on universal gravitation and Einstein’s general relativity started as abstract theories but math confirmed them in reality. In the end, doing the math reduces our anxiety and improves our performance, and the use of our intelligence instead of emotional intuition is a choice. So choose wisely because intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Leave all that lazy fear-based thinking and God stuff at the door.
We can certainly use physics…mathematics in our applied intelligence thinking methodology, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be creative and innovative. On the contrary, physics allows for big dreaming, and the math is there to ensure that those dreams don’t turn into fantasy or nightmares. Scientific thinking does not mean conformity either; new paradigms come through theory and imagination. So it is particularly important to recognize that ai — applied intelligence, is a scientific framework that regulates theoretical arguments through quantitative thinking. Analysis and relentless iteration. So the core functionality and purpose of applied intelligence is to sort out fact from fiction; bringing those theoretical arguments into warrantable states of existence — confirming our metaphysical existence.
Metaphysics, therefore, addresses the nature of reality; the first principles of being, logic, identity, change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity and possibility.
Now back to the original question about “facts are statements about phenomena, but they don’t exist on their own; they are always conceptualized, which means that they are if only implicitly, constructed theoretically.” The point I believe Prof. Alexander is making is that we do of course need imagination and creativity in our lives because math is not enough. However, decoupling from reality or non-adherence to math leads to peril, disappointment, mental disorder, misery and suffering. We need to be innovative and keep asking bold questions, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. In the final analysis, math is still what makes things happen, it informs and clarifies those conceptualized phenomena. Precise and measurable, creating the confirmations needed to give confidence to our ideas. Therefore, physics and mathematics together are the most underpinning and reliable forces in the universe—and it is the fundamental underpinning to applied intelligence. Combined, it helps humanity understand the complexity of the nature of empirical facts!
In 1933, in Einstein’s lecture at Oxford University, part of what he said was that “[the discovery of principles are free inventions of the human intellect.]” My interpretation of Einstein’s words is that we must exercise the human spirit of inventions, creativity, imagination, and innovation, all of which fall under intellect! However, Einstein was also a believer in spirituality; spirituality is an inner engineering occurrence, and religion is a construct. And as Einstein so eloquently put it:
I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
Therefore, the pinnacle place of human existence is about leveraging our intellect and applying it to those value-creating tasks. Once again, intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. So always do the math because carrying that heavy burden of ignorance is not a pleasant place to exist.